Marketing Scores: Measuring Your Marketing Efficiency

The job of a marketer is to assist a sales team in generating new leads and in turn generating new customers. In order to measure the effectiveness in closing new customers teams have to implement marketing scores across the organization to measure and iterate on their efforts.
Marketing scores can be used across your sales and marketing funnel to improve conversions across the board and spur growth with small tweaks. Especially for a SaaS business, measuring your SaaS metrics and marketing scores can be easily replicated across the funnel and shared throughout your organization. You can check out the 3 marketing scores we suggest starting to track below:
Qualified Marketing Traffic
In its simplest form marketing traffic is anyone who has visited your website. The greater number of people who visit your website and are aware of your business the greater number of opportunities you have to produce customers. However, not all marketing traffic is created equal. Depending on where your traffic is coming from it may have a varying level of qualification.
Qualified Marketing Traffic is anyone that would be considered qualified to buy your product or service. For example, if you’re selling grass seed, someone who is googling where to buy grass seed would be more qualified than someone that found your site googling what kind of grass is used at a golf course.
Qualified Marketing & Sales Leads
The next step in the sales funnel is generating qualified leads. Once we have found what qualified marketing traffic looks like it is time to qualify them a step further and turn them into a lead that can be turned over to sales. The more qualified the marketing traffic the easier it is to turn them into a lead. Depending on what your product or service offers, generating leads may be a varying degree of importance. If you have a longer sales cycle with more touch points it may be more important to create a lead and establish a relationship than a company with a shorter sales cycle that is a quick and easy purchase.
Lead-to-Customer Rate
The last of the marketing scores that we have is the lead-to-customer rate. Simply, this is the rate at which you turn leads into customers. This marketing score is touched by both sales and marketing teams. If marketing is turning over low quality leads the lead-to-customer rate will likely be low. If sales is not speaking to the same message that the marketing team is using this could also lead to a low lead-to-customer rate. The good news, while many aspects have an impact on the LTC it is easy to make small tweaks to increase the rate.