Founder Collective “Fill-In-The-Blank” Investor Update Template

While there are countless number of investor update templates the “Fill-In-The-Blank” template below from Micah Rosenbloom, Partner at Founder Collective, was right in line with the best practices we have seen. (You can find the original Founder Collective post using this link).
We created a Visible Update template so you can fill-in-the-blanks and have your next investor Update out the door in just a few minutes.
A quick recap of any major milestones, concerns, and figures from the last period. Always a good idea to piggyback off of any product updates, metrics, projects, concerns discussed at previous meetings/updates.
Key Metrics
Take a deeper dive into your “Key Metrics” that you have defined and report to your investors. Make sure to keep they key metrics you are reporting consistent from update-to-update. Be sure to mention any changes to the key metrics you are reporting (how you are calculating, renaming, etc.).
If you are actively fundraising be sure to include any details, asks, and supporting documents here.
Learnings Since Last Update
Follow up to any of the major discussion points from your last update or meeting. How did marketing campaign X end up performing? What did you learn from any product updates? Etc.
What I Feel Good About
Include any major wins or significant gains in your key sales/marketing metrics.
What I Am Freaked Out About
What is keeping you up at night? Be sure to mention any major concerns that your business is facing. This could be anything from frustrations with hiring to a change in the market.
What I Need Help With
Arguably, this is the most important section of the Update as it allows your investors to step in and help with their experience, network, etc. At the end of the day, your investors are there to help you and are missing a valuable resource if you do not make the asks.