Visible now lets investors add conditional blocks to a Request. This equips investors to build even more founder-friendly data Requests by only asking for relevant details from companies that meet certain conditions.
What are conditional blocks?
Conditional blocks are displayed only in a Request when a company meets predefined criteria (or condition) set by an investor. This way investors can keep Requests sent to portfolio companies as concise as possible.
Related resource: What metrics should I be collecting from my portfolio companies?
Examples of using conditional blocks in a Request
An example of when an investor might add a conditional block to a Request is when an investor is collecting information related to companies' recent fundraising. In the example below an investor is asking for additional fundraising details based on the condition that the company is actively fundraising.

By using a conditional block, companies who are not fundraising will not be asked questions that are not relevant to them.
Over 350+ VCs use Visible to streamline their portfolio monitoring and reporting.