Customer Stories

How We Bring Founders & Investors Together

Learn how founders and investors use Visible to improve their relationships.

Laurel Hess
Founder at Hampr
Su Sanni
Founder at Dollaride
Daniel Lang
Founder at Mangomint
Joe DeWulf
Founder at Novel
Katie Kopan
Investor at High Alpha
Lindsay Tjepkema
Founder at Casted
Alex Roetter
General Partner at Moxxie
Stephanie Rich
Head of Platform at Bread and Butter Ventures
Sharmadean Reid
Founder at The Stack World
Traci Keen
Founder at Mate Fertility
Will Weisman
Managing Director at KittyHawk
Vegard Medbo
Co-founder & COO at Antler
Trusted by 3,800+ founders and investors
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2,229,043 Founder + Investor Interactions
Recipients of Visible Updates sent by founders
Views of Visible Decks and Data Rooms shared by founders
Investment rounds captured in Visible by investors
Data points collected by investors using Visible Requests

Join the Community of 3k+ Founders Already Using Visible

“We chose Visible because it's the most founder-friendly solution out there, and have been extremely pleased with the automation, ease of use, and response from our portfolio.”
Stephanie Rich
Stephanie Rich
Head of Platform at Bread and Butter Ventures
“Hidrent uses Visible to host our Pitch Deck, organize our Data Room and to provide updates to our current investors in a format that they love. It truly is an "all-in-one" solution for managing the relationships we have with current and future investors.”
Dave Heimbuch
Dave Heimbuch
Founder at Hidrent
“Antler uses Visible with 750+ portfolio companies across 20 countries. The platform makes it manageable to stay on top of a large portfolio, and also benefits portfolio companies as we can provide them with benchmarking on metrics collected from the entire portfolio.”
Vegard Medbø
Vegard Medbø
Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at Antler
“I use Visible to send updates to two groups of investors - current investors and new prospects. So whether it's for fundraising or investor relations, Visible is a great tool for founders who often raise outside capital to grow their businesses.”
Su Sanni
Su Sanni
Founder at Dollaride
“I can't praise the Visible team enough! We can push financial requests to our portfolio companies, directly access metrics & responses in the platform, and analyze our data to compare individual & portfolio-wide performance through dashboards.”
Katie Kopan
Katie Kopan
Investor at High Alpha
“Visible has streamlined my communication with investors, stakeholders, and employees. By having centralized dashboards and connectivity, I save hours of time every month with the functionality embedded in Visible.”
Traci Keen
Traci Keen
Founder at Mate Fertility
New Product

AI Meets Your Founder and Investor Relationships

Did you know that 60% of investors don't hear from their portfolio companies on a regular basis? Making the time to write a compelling investor update on a regular basis can be challenging. This is where Visible AI comes in. Learn how we tie our founder and investor products together to help strengthen relationships.

This is where Visible AI comes in. Learn how we tie our founder and investor products together to help strengthen relationships.

Founder-Friendly Solutions for Ambitious Startups and the Investors Who Back Them.

Stand out to investors with premier fundraising, stakeholder communication, and reporting tools for startups and VCs.

For Founders

Update investors, raise capital, and track metrics from a single platform.

Learn more about updates
Updates illustration

For Investors

Streamline your portfolio data collection, analysis, and reporting processes.

Learn more about portfolio monitoring
Portfolio monitoring illustration

Want to Learn More?

Our Guide to Startup Data Rooms
Learn how best-in-class founders build data rooms
Our Guide to Startup Metrics
Our thorough guide on all things metrics
The Complete Guide to Investor Updates
Learn how to best leverage investor updates using Visible
Tips for Creating an Investor Pitch Deck
Tips to help founders craft their next pitch deck.
Our Guide to Startup Funding Stages
Learn more about the lifecycle of startup fundraising
Our Seed Round Pitch Deck Template
Check out our template to help craft your next seed round pitch deck.
Unlock Your Investor Relationships. Try Visible for Free for 14 Days.
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