Guide to CleanTech and Climate Tech in 2024 + Top VCs Investing

Angelina Graumann

CleanTech and Climate Tech sectors are more crucial than ever, driving innovation to address our planet's most pressing environmental challenges. As an entrepreneur in these fields, you are part of a transformative movement focused on sustainability and climate action. However, navigating this landscape requires a unique set of strategies and insights. This comprehensive guide will provide the tools to overcome common hurdles, connect with venture capital firms actively investing in CleanTech and Climate Tech, and leverage opportunities for growth and impact.


Definition and Differentiation: CleanTech vs. Climate Tech

CleanTech (Clean Technology): CleanTech focuses on reducing industries' environmental footprints by improving efficiency, reducing waste, and utilizing renewable resources. This includes innovations in energy efficiency, renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro), green transportation, water purification, and waste management.

Climate Tech (Climate Technology): Climate Tech specifically targets mitigating climate change effects. This involves technologies that focus on carbon capture and storage, climate modeling and monitoring, and adaptation technologies to cope with the impacts of climate change.

While both sectors aim to promote sustainability, CleanTech broadly addresses environmental impacts across various industries, whereas Climate Tech is directly aimed at combating and adapting to climate change.

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Current Trends and Market Analysis

Growth and Investment

The CleanTech and Climate Tech sectors are experiencing unprecedented growth, fueled by an escalating global emphasis on sustainability and stringent environmental regulations. This growth is a response to the urgent need to address climate change and a reflection of the sectors' potential for significant economic returns.

  • CleanTech Growth:
    • Global Focus: The international community's increasing commitment to sustainable practices drives growth. Countries are implementing aggressive policies to reduce carbon footprints, benefiting CleanTech innovations in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and waste management.
    • Investment Surge: Investors are pouring capital into CleanTech, recognizing sustainable technologies' long-term value and necessity. In 2023, global CleanTech investments surpassed previous records, signaling strong confidence in the sector.
  • Climate Tech Momentum:
    • Net-Zero Commitments: Governments and corporations worldwide are setting ambitious net-zero carbon goals. This accelerates developing and deploying Climate Tech solutions such as carbon capture and storage, climate resilience infrastructure, and advanced climate modeling tools.
    • Early-Stage Investments: Venture capital funding in Climate Tech has seen a notable increase, particularly in early-stage startups. This trend is driven by the recognition that early investments in disruptive technologies can yield substantial returns as these innovations mature and scale.

Technological Innovations

Rapid technological advancements are a cornerstone of growth in both CleanTech and Climate Tech. These innovations improve efficiency, reduce costs, and open new frontiers for sustainable practices.

  • Renewable Energy:
    • Solar and Wind Advances: Developing more efficient solar panels and wind turbines makes renewable energy more accessible and cost-effective. Innovations such as bifacial solar panels and floating wind farms are expanding the potential for clean energy production.
    • Energy Storage: Breakthroughs in battery technology, including solid-state batteries and grid-scale energy storage solutions, address the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, facilitating a more reliable and resilient energy grid.
  • Electric Vehicles (EVs):
    • Transformation in Transportation: The EV market is experiencing explosive growth, driven by technological advancements in battery life, charging speed, and vehicle range. Innovations in EV infrastructure, such as widespread charging networks and vehicle-to-grid technology, further support this transformation.
    • Sustainability in Manufacturing: Companies are increasingly focusing on sustainable practices in EV manufacturing, including using recycled materials and reducing the carbon footprint of production processes.
  • Climate Tech Breakthroughs:
    • Carbon Capture and Sequestration: Significant progress in carbon capture technologies enables more efficient and cost-effective ways to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it securely underground.
    • AI-Driven Climate Modeling: The integration of artificial intelligence in climate modeling is enhancing the accuracy of climate predictions and providing valuable insights for mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Market Drivers:

  • Regulatory Pressures and Incentives:
    • Environmental Standards: Governments are implementing stricter ecological regulations, compelling industries to adopt CleanTech and Climate Tech solutions. These regulations are often accompanied by substantial financial incentives, such as tax credits, grants, and subsidies, to encourage compliance and innovation.
    • Policy Support: Policy frameworks supporting green technologies, including renewable energy mandates and carbon pricing mechanisms, create a favorable environment for sector growth.
  • Consumer Demand:
    • Sustainable Products and Services: Increasing consumer awareness and demand for environmentally friendly products drive companies to incorporate sustainable practices into their operations. This shift is evident across various industries, from fashion and food to transportation and energy.
    • Market Differentiation: Companies prioritizing sustainability are gaining a competitive edge, attracting a growing segment of eco-conscious consumers.
  • Corporate Sustainability Commitments:
    • Carbon Neutrality Pledges: Corporations commit to ambitious sustainability goals, including achieving carbon neutrality. These commitments enhance their brand reputation and drive investments in CleanTech and Climate Tech solutions.
    • Strategic Partnerships: Businesses are forming partnerships with CleanTech and Climate Tech startups to integrate innovative solutions into their operations, further fueling sector growth.

Key Challenges and Opportunities in Each Sector


  • High Capital Requirements: Both CleanTech and Climate Tech startups often face significant upfront costs for research, development, and deployment of their technologies.
  • Regulatory Hurdles: Navigating complex and varying regulations across different regions can be daunting and time-consuming.
  • Market Adoption: Proving the viability and scalability of new technologies in real-world applications is critical and often challenging.


  • Government Support: There are numerous grants, subsidies, and incentive programs available to support CleanTech and Climate Tech initiatives.
  • Investor Interest: Increasing awareness of climate change impacts attracts more investors to these sectors, creating a favorable funding environment.
  • Technological Advancements: Ongoing innovations provide new avenues for startups to differentiate themselves and capture market share.
  • Corporate Partnerships: Collaborating with established corporations can provide startups with essential resources, market access, and credibility.

Related resource: The Future is Green: 15 Climate Tech Startups to Watch This Year

Focus on Impact Metrics

Highlighting the environmental impact and sustainability benefits of the CleanTech solution can attract socially conscious investors and customers.


Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company, places a strong emphasis on impact metrics related to sustainability. The company tracks and publicizes its efforts to reduce carbon emissions, minimize water usage, and promote responsible sourcing of materials. By transparently communicating its environmental initiatives, Patagonia attracts loyal customers who align with their values, and the company’s commitment to sustainability becomes a significant driver of brand loyalty.

Patagonia’s Page: Environmental & Social Footprint


Ecolab, a global provider of water, hygiene, and energy technologies and services, focuses on impact metrics related to water conservation and sustainable operations. The company measures and reports on water savings achieved through its solutions, helping businesses and industries reduce water consumption and environmental impact. By demonstrating the positive environmental outcomes of its services, Ecolab attracts clients who prioritize sustainability, leading to long-term partnerships and business growth.


VCs Investing in Clean Tech and Climate Tech Startups

Lowercarbon Capital

Lowercarbon Capital logo
Lowercarbon Capital
New York
Seed, Series A, Series B
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About: Lowercarbon Capital invests in decarbonization technologies across various sectors, including energy, transportation, food, and manufacturing. They fund research and invest in technologies to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. For too long, the world has ignored the scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs who are pursuing solutions to lower emissions, remove carbon, actively cool the planet, and save human, animal, and plant life as we know it. We are working to fix that.

Third Sphere

Third Sphere logo
Third Sphere
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A
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About: Third Sphere works for founders transforming global systems. We’ve made over 100 investments in notable firms like Cove Tool, OneWheel and Bowery Farming. We’re usually a pre-customer investor and offer traditional venture as well as credit finance, along with coaching and connections to over 12,000 customers, investors focused on re-imagining our planet. Our team is ranked in the 99th percentile of climatetech investors on NFX Signal, and Techcrunch named us one of the top 10 VCs founders love the most.

We know that climate is about more than carbon—it’s also about force multipliers like asset finance and distribution. We believe the best climate solutions don’t look like climate solutions at all, just better, faster, and cheaper products and services. We prefer rapid deployment that will get us close to 1.5C in warming while upgrading our systems to make them more resilient. But we’ll also look at moonshot opportunities because we know we need a plan B.

Thesis: A real investment is about more than capital. We invest at the earliest stages, usually pre-customer, stay close to our founders, and work with them from the inception of our relationship so they can build relationships with other founders, investors, and customers.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures

Breakthrough Energy Ventures logo
Breakthrough Energy Ventures
Menlo Park, California, United States
Seed, Series A, Series B
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About: Launched by Bill Gates, Breakthrough Energy Ventures invests in companies developing technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Breakthrough Energy is dedicated to helping humanity avoid a climate disaster. Through investment vehicles, philanthropic programs, policy advocacy, and other activities, we’re committed to scaling the technologies we need to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Thesis: Breakthrough Energy Ventures provides reliable and affordable power without contributing to climate change.

Energy Impact Partners

Energy Impact Partners logo
Energy Impact Partners
New York, United States
Series A, Series B
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About: Energy Impact Partners LP (EIP) is a global investment platform that invests in companies shaping the energy landscape of the future. EIP brings together entrepreneurs and the world’s most forward-looking energy and industrial companies to advance innovation. With over $2.5 billion in assets under management, EIP invests globally across venture, growth, credit, and infrastructure – and has a team of over 70 professionals based in its offices in New York, San Francisco, Palm Beach, London, Washington D.C., Cologne, and Oslo.

Thesis: We bring together incumbents and innovators in a differentiated collaborative model to build and scale businesses for substantial impact.

Generation Investment Management

Generation Investment Management logo
Generation Investment Management
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Series A, Series B
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About: Co-founded by former US Vice President Al Gore, Generation Investment Management focuses on sustainable investments, including Climate Tech. Since its founding in 2004, Generation has played a pioneering role in the development of sustainable and environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing.

Prelude Ventures

Prelude Ventures logo
Prelude Ventures
San Francisco, California, United States
Seed, Series A, Series B, Growth
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About: Prelude Ventures is a venture capital firm partnering with entrepreneurs to address climate change. Since 2013, we have invested in over 40 companies across advanced energy, food and agriculture, transportation and logistics, advanced materials and manufacturing, and advanced computing. We have a long-term commitment to the sector, accept informed risks, and couple a fundamental emphasis on venture-level returns with an understanding of deep-tech and hardware development timelines. Prelude manages capital exclusively for Simons family philanthropic entities and is a founding member of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.

Thesis: We invest in the low-carbon economy.

3×5 Partners

3x5 Partners logo
3x5 Partners
Portland, United States
Series B, Series C, Growth, Series A
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About: In everything we do, we allow our love for each other and for the planet to be our guide. We seek out companies that are delivering advancements in clean air, food, water, shelter, education, healthcare, sanitation, and climate and environmental sustainability. When we find companies that align with our mission, we go beyond due diligence and take the time needed to build relationships grounded in trust, shared vision, transparency, and mutual accountability.

Third Derivative

Third Derivative logo
Third Derivative
Boulder, Colorado, United States
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About: We are building an inclusive, global ecosystem that rapidly finds, funds, and scales climate tech innovation and transforms markets.

Thesis: We are mission driven and market focused. Rising to the climate crisis challenge is a once-in-a-generation, trillion-dollar economic opportunity. That’s why we were founded with purpose: to find, fund, hone, and scale the most-promising technologies to achieve larger, faster reductions in global carbon emissions.

Evergreen Climate Innovations

Evergreen Climate Innovations logo
Evergreen Climate Innovations
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Seed, Series A, Series B
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About: Clean Energy Trust is a cleantech accelerator that fuels innovation to create a healthier environment and more prosperous future. Clean Energy Trust is a 501C3 public charity. Our unique funding model gives us the flexibility to invest early in promising technology and young companies. We invest across the spectrum of cleantech including energy efficiency, agriculture, energy generation, energy storage, and transportation technologies.

Sweetspot check size: $ 100K

Greentown Labs

Greentown Labs logo
Greentown Labs
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About: Greentown Labs is a community of climate action pioneers working to design a more sustainable world. As the largest climatetech startup incubator in North America, Greentown Labs brings together startups, corporates, investors, policymakers, and many others with a focus on scaling climate solutions. Driven by the mission of providing startups the resources, knowledge, connections, and equipment they need to thrive, Greentown Labs offers lab space, shared office space, a machine shop, an electronics lab, software and business resources, and a large network of corporate customers, investors, and more. With incubators in Somerville, Mass. and Houston, Texas, Greentown Labs is home to more than 200 startups and has supported more than 500 since the incubator’s founding in 2011. These startups have collectively created more than 24,000 jobs, raised more than $4 billion in funding, and generated more than $9.8 billion in regional economic impact.

Future Energy Ventures

Future Energy Ventures logo
Future Energy Ventures
Series A, Growth
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About: Future Energy Ventures is a unique venture capital platform that brings together corporate partners and world-class start-ups to shape the future energy landscape. Future Energy Ventures is the venture capital investment and collaboration platform of E.ON, one of Europe’s largest operators of energy networks and energy-related infrastructure and a provider of innovative customer solutions for about 50 million customers.

Thesis: Future Energy Ventures is born from the energy industry, but it understands energy must converge with other sectors to create a sustainable and prosperous future. This is why we go beyond energy to invest in companies solving problems in cities or building frontier technology. The realization of our ambition relies on collaboration and partnerships; between people and companies from many different industries.

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Related Resource: Clean Tech and Climate Tech VC profiles in our Fundraising CRM

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