Founder pricing

Plans built to scale with you

Unlock your investor relationships.
Try Visible for free for 14 days.


For the founder who wants to delight investors and manage a fundraise from one place.
$99 / per month
billed annually
$129 / mo billed monthly
Start Your Free Trial
  • Send Monthly Updates to 250 investors from your own domain
  • Automated KPI tracking with one direct integration and one dashboard
  • Manage your fundraise with Pipelines, Pitch Decks, and a Data Room
  • Unlimited Users


For the founder who needs to manage many investors and streamline fundraising efforts.
$179 / per month
billed annually
$199 / mo billed monthly
Start Your Free Trial
Everything in Core, plus:
  • Monthly Updates to 500 investors from your own domain
  • Automate KPI tracking with three integrations & three dashboards
  • Manage multiple fundraises with 5 pitch decks
  • Additional Data Rooms with robust analytics


For the organization that needs a secure and professional platform to manage their investors.
$399 / per month
billed annually
only available annually
Start Your Free Trial
Everything in Growth, plus:
  • Unlimited Update recipients
  • Unlimited dashboards and integrations
  • Unlimited Pitch Decks
  • Unlimited Data Rooms
  • Dedicated customer success manager

Compare Plans & Features

Update Features
Number of Updates
# of Recipients
Share via Email, Slack, and Link
Visible branding
Visible branded
Custom Domain
Track Features
Metric Insights
Dashboard Link Sharing
Integrations (including Zapier + API)
Variance Reporting
Formula Builder
Pipeline Features
Number of Pipelines
Custom Properties
BCC Email
Deck Features
Number of Decks
Deck Analytics
Deck Versioning
Deck CTA
Custom Deck Domains
Auto Terminate
Data Rooms Features
Number of Data Rooms
Data Room Advanced Analytics
Data Room Permissions
Link Sharing
Other/Admin Features
# of Users
Onboarding/Support Calls
Dedicated CS
Investor Update Requests


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.
How does my 14 day free trial work?
Try the fully-featured Visible Core plan for free for 14 days. If you would upgrade to our Growth or Enterprise plan while on trial, enter your credit card details and your plan will be upgraded. At the end of your 14-day trial, you can enter your credit card details and upgrade any time.
What form of payments do you accept?
For monthly plans we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. We can create invoices and accept checks, wires in addition to credit cards for annual plans. Contact billing at visible dot vc to request an annual option.
How do I upgrade?
Simply navigate to your Billing Section in your company settings. You’ll be able to provide billing info there.
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely. If you are not completely satisfied within your first 30 days we’ll give you a refund.
Do I need a credit card upfront?
No, you can try Visible on a free trial without a credit card.
Can I cancel at anytime?
We’d be sad to see you go but any customers paying monthly are welcome to cancel at anytime. If you are paying annually you can cancel after your discounted yearly subscription is up.
What counts toward my data-integration limit?
Each unique data source counts as a single data integration towards your limit regardless of the number of connections for the service. E.g. 10 individual Google Sheets, and 2 Google Analytics accounts will count as 2 data integrations as opposed to 12.
Want to learn about our investor pricing?
View Investor pricing